Falcon Vs Hellwish = 1-1
Falcon vs gok2 = 1-1
Falcon vs Azor = 1-1
and falcon won raziel and kensan so = 9 points
gok2 vs azor = 1-1
gok2 vs hellwish = 2-0
gok2 vs falcon = 1-1
and gok2 won raziel and kensan
so = 11 point
but http://national-cup.ucoz.ua/index/0-19
qualifiers are falcon and azor
mistake i think
Added (2008-11-30, 10:48 Am)

Added (2008-11-30, 11:01 Am)
If you give advantage to your friends why did you organize that to public? play with your friend just ffs, falcon =9 gok2=11 and falcon replayed his match i think i heard about that
delete me from tourney pls this is very unfair situation